Friday, August 31, 2012

Back to Slovenia

We get up early this morning, around 8am and Emil is feeling a lot better than last night. Almost back to his usual chirpy self. We decide to skip breakfast, as we don't think it's a good idea for Emil to eat anything yet.  We will wait for a few hours before we let him eat again.  We pack our bags and get ready to head off but before we do that, we must go to Falky land to see the girls and say good-bye. So off we go, Emil still a little under the weather but he wants to see the girls before we leave. We get to Falky land and all the girls are happy to see Emil. They all rush over to see how he is and give him a big hug. They have a gift ready for him - a Falky bag full of Falky stuff - a cap, a t-shirt, a cup, a beach ball and badges. He is so excited and straight away starts to feel better. You can see the smile on his face. He holds onto this bag and won't let go. We say our good-byes and make our way.

We get in the car and then head back to Slovenia. We have a good 3 1/2 hour drive ahead off us. It's 10.30am. Temperature is 28 degrees. Off we go.

The trip is going well until we get close to Zagreb. We are on the freeway and coming towards a toll booth and all of a sudden we come to a stop, we are stuck in bumper to bumper traffic, waiting 45 minutes just to get through the toll booths. This is outrageous, what a joke. We finally get through and then all is good. We get past border control into Slovenia and then it starts raining. At first just a little and then it starts pelting down. Everything outside is all grey with big white clouds in the sky in front of us. Temperature outside has dropped and is down to 20 degrees. Oh no - what is ahead of us, weather wise. 

We finally get to Kranj in Slovenia, to Stric and Strina's. In we go and are greeted by Bostjan and family. Followed shortly later by Stric and Strina. We have a few drinks, followed with many laughs and stories. 


We are asked if we are hungry and what we would like to eat.  We advise them that we are and ask if we can have pizza and pizza it is.  Emil tells Bostjan that he wants to help make lunch and of course he is allowed. So Bostjan and Emil make our pizzas together. We think we have a little chef on our hands. 


In the evening we go to Damjana's for a coffee and once again more food, and for Emil to have a play with the girls. We share many stories about our adventures over the past few weeks. 


Then back to the Stric and Strina's we go. We get back and Strina, Lucija and Nusa have prepared tatarski bifstek (a type of beef pate) for us again. What a treat, however as it's already midnight, we don't think we can fit anything in but as it is one of our favorites there is always room. 


We sit around altogether, laughing talking and just catching up, where we left off.  

We stayed up until 2am. What a long night, but a great night.

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